
110 Question: Can I record the output of SYXG50/Sondius softsynth down to wave (2) on the
SW1000XG, thus giving me (if required) an additional 129 notes of polyphony? (This could
mean that the total poly count of the SW1000XG, if fitted with a PLG100DX and
SYXG50/Sondius, could reach over 200 note, although this would be CPU dependent as
Sondius uses CPU power. 80 note poly, however, would not use any CPU)?
Answer: Yes.
111 Question: And, as the synth parts could be bounced down to a stereo pair, syncing up the
Sondius with the SW1000XG hardware synth would be as simple as taking two stereo tracks
and slipping one of them backwards by 500ms.
Answer: Yes.
112 Question: What is the best way to run XGEDIT and Cubase/Cakewalk etc at the same time?
Answer: Yamaha recommends the use of the great ‘Hubi’s Loopback driver’ for Windows 95.
Full details can be obtained on the XGEDIT/Synth edit home page of Gary Gregson.Hubis
Loopback is a software cabling system that allows the output of one application to be piped into
the input of another (amongst the many other great tricks it can do).
113 Question: The audio faders for the individual wave parts, how are they controlled?
Answer: They are controlled via MIDI system exclusive data (or IT assigned, by controller
data). The audio part information is covered in the MIDI specifications found in the SW1000XG
user manual. A mixer map for Cubase audio/VST, Logic Audio, and Cakewalk Pro Audio is free
to download on the Yamaha web site at http://yamaha.co.uk/XG.These will be available from
launch day.
114 Question: Can I use the specific software apps designed for the DS2416 to control the
Answer: No. They are low level API based calls to support the DS2416, and these hardware
level functions are not present on the SW1000XG. Plus, the upgrades to these apps can cost
115 Question: Will XGEDIT save all 32 parts of my MIDI file?
Answer: Yes, as type 1 MIDI files. You will need to set your sequencer to the correct port for
channels 17-32, as the type 1 MIDI file does not contain port information.
116 Question: With the PLG100VH installed, can I only run the harmoniser on one track at a time
for audio?
Answer: Yes, but with the loopback feature, you can print the track to hard disk, and then
apply any of the insertion effects to another part, very easily. The printed track in applications
such as Cool Edit Pro or Cubase Audio/Cakewalk will appear as a duplicate track, so you can
audition with the effects on or off, just by switching tracks very easily.
117 Question: How do I record MIDI as a wave?
Answer: Easiest way is to use the one board SW1000 wave(2) loopback feature, which is
covered in the user manual and this FAQ. It is pointless to use the other methods such as
looping back the audio out to the analog input using an appropriate cable, or send the digital
out to a dat machine, and then record back in via the analog in.
118 Question: Will the loopback add any noise?
Answer: No, none at all. In Soundforge, when you select SW1000(2) wave in, you can’t even
get a reading on the input level with nothing playing. It’s that quiet!
119 Question: Where can I see the input gain control for the SW1000 wave input 2 (loopback)?
Answer: In the Windows MME mixer or in your application software.