
120 Question: I can hear my MIDI playback, but no audio. What may be causing this?
Answer: Possible causes are . you have the volume in your multimedia control panel for
playback of the SW1000 wave out set to 0, or you may be trying to playback from one of the
other wave outs on the SW1000, and this output may have been left in a zero state as
default.Use an app like XGEDIT to set your audio volume levels to an appropriate state for use
in your Windows session. Check that the controls on your MME Windows mixer are not muted
or set to zero as well.
121 Question: If I send an XG reset to the SW1000XG, all of my audio outputs volumes either
drop or increase to around half way. Why is this?
Answer: This is due to the default audio playback level of the SW1000 wave outs being set
(from a hardware level) to 64.The reason 64 was chosen was to try to avoid blowing people’s
speakers, when they did XG resets, as no-one wants to leap up to full volume unless they ask
for it!
122 Question: My Windows sounds seem to all playback with an effect or effect on them after I
have quit my audio application. Why is this?
Answer: The SW1000 (application depending) may be left in its last state (voice and effects
settings) when quitting an app to preserve settings. This is in case you should so wish to move
between applications (i.e. shell out of VST and go and do some audio editing in Soundforge for
example). You don’t get this with other cards, as other cards don’t have multiple on board
effects busses.
123 Question: Yamaha have developed a Studioware panel for Cakewalk 7.0 and 6.0 to support
the SW1000XG, how do I get this, and how does it work?
Answer: The Studioware panel is free from the Yamaha UK website. It works in much the
same way as the excellent XGEDIT, in that it allows control of most of the major parameters of
the SW1000XG, but within the Cakewalk environment. The editor is open to modification and
improvement, and should be considered as just a starting point for Cakewalk users. Some of
the editor is bulky in terms of graphics and sysex, but we felt that it made a pleasing front end
for Cakewalk users, and a nice starting point for people to adapt their own editors from. The
minimum screen resolution Yamaha recommend for this panel is 1024x768 (higher is better).
124 Question: What about the Cubase mixer maps?
Answer: As above really, just to support the SW1000XG from day 1 for users with
VST/Cubase Audio XT. It is just a starting block for many people, and is open to adaptation. If
end users wish to make up mixer maps and email them to Yamaha UK , we will look at them
and if they are good, we will be happy to upload them to the UK site. The same applies to any
Logic users who wish to make their own Environment pages.
125 Question: I have a power Macintosh G3/G4 running Virtual PC, will I be able to run the DSP
factory or the SW1000XG?
Answer: Wait until we do some proper Mac drivers (i.e. don’t even attempt it).
126 Question: In VST what settings should I set for the audio side?
Answer: Depends on your rig, just run the Hardware sync profiler and run the card (with the
MME drivers) in MME/ASIO mode. Cubase will determine the optimal settings based on your
computer system. It is advised that you do not set the number of tracks to greater than 12 as
the hardware mixer can then be used instead of the VST mixer should you so wish (by running
something like XGEDIT at the same time, thus saving on CPU power (you may also use one of
the mixer maps provided free on the UK website) and as the card does not (at release 1.0
stage) have DirectSound Compatible drivers or ASIO drivers, please just use the MME
selection. As for many of the functions such as mixing and effects, the latency reported by VST
will be irrelevant with respect to these, as you will be overriding the VST mixer and using the
hardware one.