
156 Question: Some cards will gain from the new Active X-2 specifications for off loading the
CPU/DSP events from the host CPU to the card CPU, will the DSP Factory utilize this feature of
Active Movie/2?
Answer: No. The DSP horsepower and multiple effects are already on the card (SW1000XG
as well).;One thing to bear in mind on this is that the effects on the SW1000XG are real, ready
to go, on board and don’t touch any CPU at all. You don’t have to go out and spend 500 dollars
just to get a software reverb, that ‘may’ work on your card, or may not depending on whether or
not ‘your’ version, of your software runs in ‘your’ operating system with your card.Your wallet
needs you !!As the best of the current bunch of software/DSP based cards claims to be able to
run three (wow) reverbs at once (on a high spec machine with all other factors taken into
account), then with the SW1000XG, it already has this so called ‘future’ beaten into second
place by being able to run six effects busses in real-time without any CPU load at all, and no
need to buy any extras. Plus, the competitive product mentioned is twice the price of the
SW1000XG anyway.
157 Question: Does SW1000XG support Steinberg Cubase VST?
Answer: Yes, we are working closely with Steinberg to provide full VST support on the PC
platform. Mixer maps are already made for VST 3.5x and above. We will announce the
projected availability of the VST-specific ASIO drivers when they are closer to completion. VST
4.0 mixer scripts are also planned.
158 Question: Is SW1000XG Macintosh-compatible?
Answer: Not as yet. (Q2/98), but watch this space, as Mac support is planned.
159 Question: If I wished to write my own editor or application to support the SW1000XG, how
would I go about it?
Answer: The wave driver conforms to the standard MS MME driver specs. The MIDI side is
fully covered online and in the user manual, so all the info you need is right there for you. More
low level details can be obtained under NDA for professional software houses from Yamaha
Corporation Japan.
160 Question: Is there any form of online user registration?
Answer: http://www.xgfactory.com/.
161 Question: Are specific support applications available already
Answer: Yes, XGEDIT version 2.6, Cakewalk Pro audio 6.01/7.0 (Studioware panel), Cubase
VST mixer maps and Logic environment pages all exist already for the SW1000XG.All other
applications such as Vbsysex decoder and more (XG support) will also work fine with the
162 Question: How do I monitor and adjust my record and playback levels?
Answer: SW1000XG can use the Windows 95 applet SNDVOL32 to monitor your input and
output assignments as well as visually meter your record and playback levels. You can control
the volume and pan position of each channel-pair from this applet; control of input level,
playback level, and monitor level is supported.However, the best way (as the card has a
hardware level mixer on board) is using the support via MIDI system exclusive data. This is
hardware level control, which uses much less CPU than any software mixers, and is provided
for the SW1000XG card for both playback and record levels ,
163 Question: In Cakewalk 6.0 and 7.0 should I enable the low latency mixing option, or is that
not needed?
Answer: It is not needed if you use the MIDI controlled hardware mixer (and this saves your
CPU). If you wish to use the mixer in Cakewalk then, yes, but hey, efficient as the Cakewalk