
application such as MIDI-ox, which monitors the output of any application (in conjunction with
Hubi’s Loopback), and thus provides an easy way to see what XGEDIT is sending out when
you select various functions.
184 Question: Can I do things like master volume fades and master effects (globally) to all parts
then just by assigning all of the wave channels to be under control of a single MIDI channel?
Answer: Yes. This means that volume fades can be sent very easily using MIDI controller 7
across all 12 channels. Likewise if you wanted a global compressor, just use the variation effect
as a compressor, and send the variation controller to all parts until you are happy.
185 Question: If I send a master volume fade at the end of a track, sometimes I can still hear the
effects (perhaps distortion etc) ringing on. How do I get around this?
Answer: Use MIDI master attenuation instead (this is a sysex command covered in the user
manual for the SW1000XG).
186 Question: What about snapshots of all of this for automation?
Answer: Yes. As long as your application supports snapshots then this is easy to do. For
example Cakewalk pro Audio supports snapshots in its Studioware panels.
187 Question: Is the re-record buss signal exactly the same (time wise) as the original signal?
Answer: No, it is a few samples behind (nanoseconds) (as is the DS2416 when rerouting to
one of its busses), so you won’t notice it. The time is literally the time taken for the PCI buss to
resample the output from the cards wave and MIDI ports back in as a stereo pair.
188 Question: When I click XG reset in my application (such as XGEDIT) what audio levels will
the SW1000 default to?
Answer: An XG reset will set the AD parts to mic level (so be careful when recording with a
mixing desk), these can easily be switched back to line level using XGEDIT or similar apps. It
will set the wave out levels on all 6 wave parts to 64 (around half way), and MIDI to 127 for all
channels. XGEDIT saves setups for MIDI parts as well.
189 Question: Is there a good explanation of the effects busses and XG/synthesis in general
Answer: The best ones are:;Gary Gregsons XGEDIT help file;The Yamaha MIDI Production
recommendations PDF file;Beggars guide to the DB50XG;Alternate guide to the DB50XG;All of
which cover XG and use with various applications.
190 Question: Can I use Nrpns instead of sysex to control parameters such as EQ in MIDI
Answer: Yes. A list of controller and NRPN parameters are as follows
Standard Controllers
Parameter Controller Comment
Program Change Cn,xx Should be preceded by Bank Select MSB/LSB
Bank Select MSB Bn,00,xx 0:Normal,64:SFX,126/7 Drum
Bank Select LSB Bn,20,xx Bank select does not take affect until Program
Change is received
Modulation Bn,01,xx
Portamento Time Bn,05,xx
Volume Bn,07,xx (the 07 is controller 7)
Pan Bn,0A,xx (the 0a is controller 10)
Expression Bn,0B,xx Should be used in place of Volume for
crescendos etc