
191 Question: In Cool Edit Pro and SAW Plus (and any other app that supports multiple wave
devices), do you have any suggestions for ideal configurations for the audio parts?
Answer: Yes. In device selection, for example, in Cool Edit Pro and SAWPLUS, select
SW1000 wave out 1-6 for outputs 1-6, and then for inputs, select SW1000 Wave input 1 as your
primary record source, and wave input 2 for track that you may use as bounce tracks.
192 Question: So if I can control the SW1000XG audio parts using controllers, what do I need to
do to set this up?
Answer: You need to send sysex for each part to set this is. This can form part of you setup
bar in your sequencer track.The sysex for each part is as follows:;F0 43 10 4C 10 CH 04 MC
F7;Where CH is the audio channel (range 02 - 0d hex);And MC is the MIDI channel (00-
0F);When these are switched on and channels assigned accordingly, controllers will (along with
sysex if required) modulate the audio parameters.
193 Question: Does the SW1000XG support user tuning scales?
Answer: Yes, as does the PLG100Vl and the PLG100DX.
194 Question: What about DOS or DOS BOX support?
Answer: Only for games use this, and as we have said several times so far in this FAQ, the
SW1000XG is not a games card.So the SW1000XG does not support DOS BOX, or MPU401 in
195 Question: My MIDI app only supports the setup designated by the Windows MIDI mapper,
hence I can only use 16 channels or parts from the SW1000XG. Is there anything I can do?
Answer: Yes, go down to your local music store and get hold of a proper MIDI application.
You have just spent a lot of money on a professional audio card; don’t you think that this
justifies getting some good software to go with it?
196 Question: Where do I get tech support on the XGworks bundle package that came with the
SW1000XG in my country?
Answer: From your local Yamaha subsidiary. e-mails on XGworks bundled with the
SW1000XG cannot be assisted from this web site Please note this. We do not do tech support
for the bundled version of XGworks at http://yamaha.co.uk/XG. Telephone numbers for tech
support are available on where to go.
197 Question: Can I load bulk dumps from the MU100 into the SW1000XG?
Answer: The sysex for the two units is almost identical, however the MU100r has the
PLG100VH and PLG100VL boards pre fitted and supports performance mode, so some dumps
may take this into account and not work on the SW1000XG.
198 Question: What about bulk dumps from the Vl70m module?
Answer: As above, almost identical apart from the additional info for the effects parameters.
However, voice dumps from the vl70m should load fine into the SW1000XG.
199 Question: Will VH tracks designed for the PSR8000 or the Mu100r work on the SW1000XG
if I have the PLG100VH board fitted?
Answer: Yes, although the PSR8000 uses one or two slightly different parameters over and
above that of the MU100r.
200 Question: If I have SYXG50 software synth installed and am using it with the SW1000XG,
why can I not record and playback audio files properly?
Answer: You may have the same wave out assigned for SYXG50 as for the audio tracks.
SYXG50 is not designed to be used in seq./audio players such as VST or Cakewalk Pro audio if
you are playing audio at the same time. This is due to SYXG50 using the Windows wave out for
its synth playback.