
201 Question: Where can I get to hear the SW1000XG in my country?
Answer: Please telephone one of the numbers in our ‘Where to go section’, and they will give
you more info on where you can listen to the SW1000XG in your country.
202 Question: Can I run the SW1000XG if I have MSIE4 installed in Windows 98?
Answer: Yes, but remember that IE4 and especially the active desktop tend to want a lot of
CPU cycles.
203 Question: Can I use the SW1000XG and the DS2416 as cards for audio telephony
applications on the Internet?
Answer: You want to use two of the most powerful state of the art audio production cards ever
made for making internet phone calls ?...Sad, very sad!. Yes is the answer, although don’t ask
us any tech Question:s relating to this, as Yamaha will just laugh at how sad your use of our
technology is.
204 Question: Will the SW1000XG conflict with any of my existing hardware?
Answer: Windows 95 has no way of identifying the existence of older ISA legacy cards that
may be residing in your system. Cards such as the Adaptec 1542CF and Turtle Beach Tahiti
are two popular examples. Consequently, Windows may try to assign an IRQ to SW1000XG
that is already in use by another card. This conflict is remedied by reserving an IRQ for the
older card.If your PC is populated by non-legacy true plug and pray devices, then the
SW1000XG should (as long as there is one free) be allocated to a free IRQ.You can also
assign in your system BIOS configuration the PCI IRQ settings (on most motherboards). This is
covered later in the FAQ.
205 Question: The Turtle Beach ISA non Plug and Play cards (such as the Tahiti) use a memory
mapped I/O system which sometimes means that specific memory blocks in your system are
reserved. Will the SW1000XG detect this, and/or attempt to use this memory area?
Answer: As they are ISA non PnP devices, the chances are that if you have any memory area
reserved for devices of this type, then the SW1000XG may not detect the memory location in
use. If this is the case, just move the SW1000XG or the offending other card to a free memory
area, using the Windows conflict catcher, and device manager properties for the SW1000XG
(deselect automatic settings if this is enabled). Yamaha have tested machines with Tahiti cards
and Adaptec SCSI adapters with no problems. The other concern that Turtle Beach used to
have was with the 8mb matrox video cards, as they can tend to use lots of memory locations,
Yamaha have found that the SW1000XG will still work in a free memory slot with the Matrox
206 Question: Does the S/Pdif (coax) connector on the SW1000XG fully comply with the S/Pdif
Answer: Yes.
207 Question: It looks like a to host connector. Is it, and can I plug it directly into any to host
Answer: No, and No.
208 Question: Can the digital and analog outputs be addressed independently giving, in effect, a
four physical output card?
Answer: No. The outputs are not independent, all audio parts and MIDI parts appear at both
(as happens with most cards!).The SW1000XG has a fully comprehensive internal multichannel
mixer (in hardware) which more than compensates for this, plus the internal loopback bussing
(discussed later in this FAQ) also compensates more than enough. The DS2416 can assign its
outs when used in conjunction with the AX44 bays to separate ports. When used in conjunction
with the DS2416, and the AX44 bays, the SW1000 can be routed to independent outs on the