
220 Question: The specs say the SW1000XG has four audio record channels, but I only see a
stereo input. Where are the other two inputs?
Answer: These are internal loopback record inputs, and not physical connectors. This is
explained in the FAQ further down.
221 Question: Do some voices use more than one element (as was the case on the DB50XG)?
Answer: Yes, some voices use up to two elements.
222 Question: Can the SW1000XG support element reserve so that certain parts are guaranteed
to playback in heavy MIDI files?
Answer: Yes. This is easy to set up in XGEDIT or XGworks.;Q Will the Yamaha 01v in auto
navigate mode, detect the SPDIF out sampling frequency of the SW1000XG?
223 Question: Will this apply to other digital devices also?
Answer: Yes. When connecting to the S/Pdif out of the SW1000XG please ensure that your
device is slaving to the wordclock being sent by the SW1000XG. You may run into problems
(as with any digital system) if you do not.
224 Question: Do I need to consult a Yamaha service center on fitting the PLG100 boards, or
can I do this myself?
Answer: Yourself, and it’s very easy. Just clip the board to the SW1000XG via the plastic lugs
that come with the PLG board, and attach the interconnect cable.
225 Question: Can I literally pull the PLG100 boards out of my friend’s MU100R and plug them
into the SW1000XG then?
Answer: Yes, they are one and the same.
226 Question: Why does the PLG board I have fitted not show up in my device list in Windows?
Answer: It’s a daughterboard, and so is not connected to the PC except over the proprietary
connector on the SW1000XG. As with the DB50XG, it therefore won’t show up in the Windows
device manager.
227 Question: So how do I know if it is working?
Answer: As mentioned elsewhere in this FAQ, just play the demo that came with the PLG
board that you purchased.
228 Question: How do I know if the PLG100VH is working?
Answer: Load up XGEDIT, select SW1000XG, select PLG100 effect buss, and set the
Insertion part to AD1 or AD2. Set your input level up, and start tweaking the effects. Make sure
you have the connecting cable plugged in correctly between the PLG board and the
SW1000XG. Then just sing into the SW1000XG mic input.
229 Question: Will I get any performance benefit by using the SW1000XG or the DS2416 on
Pentium 2 based systems?
Answer: In terms of your overall system performance, then yes, a faster computer will help
with all of the background tasks such as screen redraw etc.In terms of the audio applications
efficiency, then again yes, as any Cubase or Cakewalk user will confirm, the faster the better. In
terms of the SW1000XG or DS2416 DSP overhead, then no. Both cards do exactly the same
job at exactly the same speed if they are running on P133’s as they do on P2/400’s. Yamaha
still recommend fast machines for use with both cards, as you may want to do other things from
time to time, such as play games or use Active Movie Plug Ins, which use bucketloads of CPU
230 Question: Can I use the low-pass resonant filter and the high pass filter at the same time on
each MIDI channel, in effect creating a band pass filter?