
Answer: Indeed. (DB50XG/SW60XG/Mu50/Mu80 and Cs1x users will at this point be saying
...’What high pass filter ? )
231 Question: Can the DSP effects on the SW1000XG cause popping and clicking due to gain
Answer: Any effects processor can do this, especially with feedback/delay effects, and things
like guitar amp simulators. Just be careful and monitor your input gain levels when re-recording
with effects on.
232 Question: Can I set velocity and key ranges to specific MIDI parts and voices on the
Answer: Yes.
233 Question: Can I apply any of the main synth parameters to the audio channels such as filter
cutoff etc?
Answer: Slightly daft Question:, and no.The Audio parts can have access to the following
parameters:;Volume, Pan, Reverb Send, Chorus send, Variation Send, Insertion 1& 2, PLGVH
unique effect, master EQ, dry level, receive channel, output select;Others may be added by
234 Question: Will the PLG100DX (DX7) daughterboard, increase my polyphony to 80?
Answer: Yes.
235 Question: Will the increased polyphony use any CPU power?
Answer: No.
236 Question: Can I combine the PLG100Vl and Sondius to give me a duophonic VL?
Answer: Yes, but remember that Sondius uses lots of CPU power and also has a latency of
237 Question: Can I use the sample position option in VST for audio sync with the SW1000XG?
Answer: Yes. The profiler (sync & audio) will probably set this up anyway. Sample position is
fully supported on the SW1000XG for sync (unlike some other cards we could mention!).
238 Question: Will any of the functionality of the DS2416 affect the functionality of the
Answer: No, it will only add to what you can do.
239 Question: Briefly,what are the differences between the different digital formats?
Answer: The S/PDIF consumer standard comes in two types. Optical or Electrical, The
SW1000XG and the DSP Factory both have electrical type connectors, with the connector on
the DS2416 supporting 24bit resolution. AES/EBU is also electrical but runs at higher voltage
levels and on different (pro) connectors.;The DS2416 also supports this format on its digital i/o,
but does not have the traditional XLR style AES connector. The SW1000XG conforms to
S/PDIF. The other two main formats for everyday use are ADAT lightpipe, which is similar in
appearance to optical S/PDIF, but carries multi channel audio (planned optional card for
DS2416); and Tascam TDIF which is used as an option on the new 01v mixer and the 02r and
03d mixers.
240 Question: Can I mute and solo the audio parts independently from the MIDI parts in a track?
Answer: Yes. Most sequencers support this function anyway, but tracks can be selected
using sysex again.
241 Question: If I wish to only bounce specific tracks down to the stereo mix, how do I do this?
Answer: Just mute the parts you don’t want.