
242 Question: How much hard disk space will the bounce use?
Answer: !0.5mb approx. per stereo minute at 16 bit 44.1kHz.
243 Question: What is the main advantage of the SW1000XG having a hardware mixer and
effects set over other cards?
Answer: Just ask your CPU!. The hardware mixer and multi effects busses will run just as well
on a P166 as they will on a Quad Pentium 2/400 (that’s if Win98 supports multiple CPU’s). The
hardware mixer and effects do not access or indeed use any CPU power at all.
244 Question: Can I save my own effects setups if I wish to use the SW1000XG just as an
additional effects processor from my mixer?
Answer: This is a setup used by many people with the old SW60XG. Basically you can
connect the analog sends of your mixer to the audio input on the SW1000XG, and then, if your
desk has digital inputs which can be configured as returns (such as the 01v), you get a fully
fledged digital effects processor (or five of them if you wish). Effects edits can be saved as part
of a multi-set using applications such as XGEDIT, so yes!.
245 Question: Does the SW1000XG have FM synthesis as standard, like my games card?
Answer: No, it has real 6 operator FM synthesis as an upgrade board, and before you ask, no
it won’t work with games. The SW1000Xg is NOT a games card.
246 Question: I have heard about the SW100, is this the same as the SW1000XG?
Answer: No the SW100 was the prototype name for the WF192XG games card, the specs of
which are on the Yamaha UK website, and also at;http://www.waveforce.com/.
247 Question: I have a large amount of MIDI files that I have programmed for XG on my Db50XG
or similar, how will I get the best out of the SW1000Xg with these files, and make them sound
Answer: The best way is by using XGEDIT or any other XG editing app (XGworks or
XGGold), and re editing the sounds for the new synth that you have.
248 Question: I am reading this FAQ at an Internet café, and I don’t have web access at home,
how can I get the latest drivers?
Answer: To get the latest software drivers for non-net users, please contact your local
Yamaha outlet.The telephone numbers are in the Where to go section of
249 Question: The DSP Factory press release says that one may use the 01v digital console as
a controller for the DS2416. Can this also be used for the SW1000XG?
Answer: Yes. Specific controller numbers can be assigned to perform various tasks on the
01v/SW1000XG combo, so it would make an ideal combined mixer and control surface for the
SW1000XG, especially as it has a very clean analog output, and also has a digital input (spdif
on the 01v) for return mastering/monitoring.The 01v features remote mode. On page 3 of this
mode, you can set up sysex or controller data for up to four banks. This can easily be assigned
to VOLUME/DRY and effects send levels for the SW1000XG, and requires no special software
to implement it.
250 Question: I notice that the PLG100VL daughterboard appears to have the remnants of what
appears to be a waveblaster connector still on the PCB. Why is this?
Answer: The original spec for the PLG100VL (known previously as the VB10) was for the
waveblaster compatible cards. However, after Creative Labs dropped the WB socket (intelligent
move (sic)) on their AWE64 card, Yamaha decided to improve the spec on the board and equip
it with the new style digital adapter. The PLG100Vl also has no on board effects processing of
its own (that’s why we can release it so cheaply), and relies on the DSP processing of the host