
Answer: No. The SW1000XG does not as yet function as a sampler. You can, however, use
applications like Awave to convert SF2 data into wave file and integrate the sounds with any
cheap DLS compatible games card such as the WF192.
273 Question: The DSP Factory is controlled at low level via specific applications software. Do I
need special software for the SW1000XG?
Answer: No. You can use anything that can talk MIDI and sysex/controllers in particular,
making it very easy to move platform, application or to make your own control surface.
274 Question: Can I use any of the shareware DX7 editors available on the internet to edit the
Answer: Please check with the software company concerened for compatibility.
275 Question: Will the use of AGP port-based graphics cards affect the use of the SW1000XG?
Answer: Yes, they will help the SW1000XGs PCI side run better, as less of your PCI
bandwidth is being used for graphics.
276 Question: So will a PCI graphics card slow down the SW1000XG?
Answer: No. It just means that more of you PCI buss bandwidth is in use and, as you will
probably be using SCSI on the PCI buss as well, this is a lot of buss bandwidth to lose.
277 Question: So what is the optimal graphics and hard disk Yamaha recommend for audio
Answer: This is just a guide, but an AGP Graphics card such as the Matrox Millenium 2, and
an Ultra DMA hard drive or UW SCSI system are good for any audio apps with any card, not
just SW1000XG.
278 Question: What if my SW1000XG is not making any sound?
Answer: 1: Check you have installed the card into your PC properly and that it is seated
correctly in a free PCI slot. 2: Check that the audio outputs on the card is plugged into an
amplifier or set of speakers that are powered. If you are connecting to a digital source such as a
DAT machine, please ensure that the DAT machines digital input is receiving a signal. The
outputs are at line level, so don’t plug them into your $5 set of Walkman speakers that probably
came with your PC. This is a pro card, so treat it to some pro speakers. 3: Make sure that the
cable you are using is plugged in correctly and working, and that it is of the correct type and
impedance. If you get ground noise, it is your cable, not the SW1000XG. 4: Make sure that you
are running Windows95 or Windows 98 (95 should be OSR2 release ideally to support IRQ
steering). 5: Make sure that you have followed the instructions on how to install the drivers for
the card correctly. 6: Make sure that the card is recognized in your Windows device manager.
7: Make sure that the device manager is not reporting any conflicts with any other device (see
your resources tab for more info). 8: Make sure that the default device for both audio playback
and MIDI playback in your multimedia properties box is set to the SW1000XG card, and that it
is set to GM for MIDI. Make sure also that it is set to CD quality for audio (playback properties):
Make sure you are playing either a wave audio or MIDI type 0 or type 1 file through the card.
(Using media player is a good way to test that the card is working in Windows). 9: If all else
fails, remove the card, place it in another free PCI slot and try again. If this fails, take it to your
shop and get them to try it out. If they find that the card is working fine, then your system has a
problem, which you should try to resolve. 10: If you are using it in a sequencer such as
VST/Cakewalk, make sure that it is assigned as your MIDI device.
279 Question: So if I have problems with my IRQ settings how do I re allocate interrupts?
Answer: If you have ‘stacked’ interrupts (that is, where different things share the same IRQ),
you may run into problems. This is especially true if any two of Video, SCSI and SW1000XG
share an interrupt. These three put high demands on the system, and if they have to go through
extra overhead involved in stacked IRQ’s, it makes things worse.Since IRQ steering does NOT