
Answer: Select the Media player and select ‘Wave’ as the option. Then load up any good 16
bit stereo sound (44.1k) and press play. Make sure the audio out is connected to your speakers
or amplifier, and press play. Check your cables to your amplifier, and check also that Windows
is not reporting any conflicts with your soundcard in the device manager.
339 Question: What is the CN102 connector on the SW1000XG?
Answer: This is the digital buss connector to the DSP Factory card system..
340 Question: What is the CN101 connector?
Answer: This is the digital and MIDI buss connector to the PLG100 series daughterboard.
341 Question: Can I plug a DB50XG into the SW1000XG CN101 connector?
Answer: No. It is a new digital buss interface (CN101).
342 Question: Can any waveblaster-compatible card be plugged into the SW1000XG?
Answer: No. We designed a new better & faster buss connector, for future developments.
343 Question: Can I run the PLG100 series daughterboards synth parts through all of the effects
on the SW1000XG at the same time?
Answer: Yes, as with any other synth part or audio part.
344 Question: Can I run the PLG100DX board across multiple MIDI channels?
Answer: No. As with the original DX, it runs on one MIDI channel.
345 Question: Can I still run my old SW60XG or DB50XG/MU10 along side the SW1000XG?
Answer: Yes, and it will increase your poly count to 96!
346 Question: I am from a third party development company and I wish to make software to
support the SW1000XG, how do I go about this?
Answer: For software support or hardware support (i.e. building options to connect to the
PLG100 socket or the DSP Factory socket), please contact nick@yamaha.co.uk.
347 Question: Does the SW1000XG work as a SoundBlaster 16/Awe32?
Answer: Its not a games card........so NO !!
348 Question: Will all Yamaha XG products work in Windows 98?
Answer: Until Windows 98 is fully tested, no-one can guarantee 100% that everything will run,
but initial tests indicate that the Yamaha cards will run just fine!. You may find that your
applications package will need an update (some sequencers!)
349 Question: Can I use the PHATBOY controller to control the synth editing on the
Answer: Yes. More info at http://www.keyfax.com/.
350 Question: Can I use the Yamaha 01v and Programmable Mixer 01 to control the
Answer: Yes. Specific functions of the SW1000XG are under standard MIDI controller number
control, so just set up your Programmable Mixer 01 accordingly. Also the 01v console has
mode 3 remote control mode for sending out sysex to directly control the SW1000XG.
351 Question: My MIDI cable that came with the SW1000XG has broken. Where can I obtain a
Answer: From your local Yamaha dealer.
352 Question: The Processors on the SW1000XG can seem to get very hot. Is this normal?
Answer: Yes, no need to worry at all! Have you ever tried touching your Pentium without
having a fan on it for a while (don’t try this, unless you want to lose some skin from your
fingertips). They make the surface of Venus feel cold!