
391 Question: What is chorus?
Answer: An audio effect that duplicates a sound, slightly changes and delays it, then overlays
it on top of the original to add complexity and character.
392 Question: What is dB?
Answer: Decibel: Most commonly seen in its abbreviated form: dB. A decibel is a unit that
measures the strength of a signal on a Log scale.;
393 Question: What is Acrobat reader?
Answer: Acrobat reader is a utility that gives users on both Macintosh & PC platforms the
ability to read documents stored in the PDF (Portable Document) Format.
394 Question: What is MIDI?
Answer: This is the Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A 5 pin socket running at
31.25kBaud that allows communication between compatible devices that adhere to the original
MIDI specification.
395 Question: Where can I get XG MIDI files from?
Answer: The Yamaha online shop at http://www.yamaha.co.uk/shop is a good place to start,
but any reputable XG file outlet can supply good quality MIDI files.
396 Question: What benefit will I get from the PLG100Vl physical modeling daughterboard?
Answer: The easiest way to explain the difference is to compare the two technologies to a
movie and a photograph.With XG you have a photograph, the basic building block of the
instrument being a static snapshot of one moment in time of how the instrument sounded. The
advantage of XG over GM is that you have a lot more control over the sound by way of being
able to manipulate the snapshot, and morph it into different shapes. However, as with a real
photo, and some good photo manipulation software, the original image is always the same. It
may look different, but it is always the same image at heart.With VL technology it is like giving
someone a sheet of metal, and saying ‘ ok, go away and build a musical instrument’. You can
basically make anything that you want to. So one person could come back with a flute, whilst
another could come back with a trombone, or yet another could come back with an analogue
synth (please note that you would need a bit more than a piece of metal for this(sic!)), but that is
the main difference. If you said to someone , here is a blank camera film, now take a photo of
what you see, they capture just a split second, whilst with a real movie film the image moves
over time, and you can direct how the image changes at will. With this system though, the
length of the film strip is infinite. So as with playing a real flute, no two notes are exactly the
same. This rule applies to VL: it responds to how you play, and how your emotions come
across. That’s why it’s so cool!
397 Question: Can the PHATBOY controller system be used to control the audio levels of the
SW1000XG or just the MIDI parts?
Answer: Just the MIDI parts. The audio parts are controlled via system exclusive data.
398 Question: With the MME drivers, what is the latency of the SW1000XG in Rebirth?
Answer: On a 166 Pentium we got it to <55ms.
399 Question: Are there voice sets (edited template sounds) available for the SW1000XG?
Answer: Yes. The Mu100r voice kit set from the CD-ROM ‘Enjoy this Trip’ contains dozens of
new sounds and is free.
400 Question: What about AWM2 that is used by the XG part of the SW1000XG?
Answer: AWM, or Advanced Wave Memory, is Yamaha’s original system for effectively using
sampled waveforms in synthesizers and tone generators. Although the basis for all AWM voices
is a sampled waveform, a sample of a real existing instrument, a classic synthesizer sound, or
other electronically created sounds, the AWM system provides an extensive range of envelope