
generator, filter, modulation, and other parameters which can be applied to the basic
waveform.Furthermore, up to four elements, each with its own wave and a complete set of
editable parameters, can be assigned to each voice. The strength of AWM synthesis lies not
only in its outstanding sound quality (it uses 16-bit, 44.1 kHz samples), but also in its
extraordinary ability to shape and control the sound of the samples. AWM synthesis also allows
the creation of drum voices in which different drum and percussion instruments with individual
volume, pitch, and timbre parameters can be assigned to individual notes of a keyboard (from
C-2 through G8).
401 Question: I have heard about the PLG series daughterboards released by Yamaha for the
SW1000XG. Can you go into a bit more depth on them?
Answer: Sure. On the SW1000XG web page, there is a full spec and info sheets for each of
the daughterboards currently out in Europe.These are (as of May98):;PLG100DX - A DX7
daughterboard;PLG100VL - A VL70m daughterboard;PLG100VH - A multipart harmoniser
board;In Japan there is also the PLG100SG (singing board) which uses a DSP process to
simulate vocal sounds for backing tracks in MIDI files. It currently is based around the Japanese
alphabet/phonetics/vocal characteristics and is not suitable for the European market.All of these
options are available also for the MU100 and MU100r modules.
402 Question: So the boards that fit inside the MU100 are exactly the same?
Answer: Yes.
403 Question: How many sounds in total does the SW1000XG have then?
Answer: 1276 on board, then add the PLG100VL to give a further 256 musical instruments
Please see further detail information in the manual. The PLG100DX board upgrades the
number of voices to over 2000.
404 Question: Where can I get a replacement cable for the PLG100 board if mine is damaged?
Answer: From your local Yamaha service centre.
405 Question: A sysex bulk dump to the SW1000XG can take a long time (up to 15 seconds for a
complete system dump of 32 parts with VL parameters). Why is this?
Answer: The amount of data involved is huge. The best way to get around this is to use
XGEDIT, as this will save a setup bar as either a type 1 or 0 MIDI file, or as a Cakewalk.syx file
(and also its own file formats).
406 Question: If I am hearing a lot of hiss when I switch in the analog inputs , what may be
causing this?
Answer: You have probably left the Insertion or Variation effects busses that you may have
assigned to the analog inputs parts set to an effect like AMP SIM, or distortion, which are
designed to sound like guitar amps or guitar distortion pedals should i.e. noisy ! An XG reset
should cure this. Also check that the AD part input is not set to mic and cranked to full, as this
will add hiss. Also (and this one is so obvious it’s not even funny) make sure that the device you
may be wishing to record into the card is outputting at line level if you have the software set to
record at line level or mic level for mic inputs, and that the device or mic itself isn’t noisy.
;Basically if you have a good, clean desk (such as an 01V or Programmable Mixer 01)
connected to the inputs on the card, then you won’t get very much hiss at all. People tend to
forget when they go to record their 1978 analog monster synth, that it may be hissing like a
python; but they only tend to notice this when they record it to hard disk and then they go and
blame their soundcard. Take a step back, evaluate you set-up and try to get your studio signal
path to and from the PC as clean and as quiet as possible. Check for earth problems, ground
loops etc.
407 Question: Can I plug a phantom powered condenser mic into the SW1000XG or the DS2416