
playing.;Chorus Buss - As above, but with chorus, phaser and flanger/detune style
effects.;Variation Buss - As above, but can also be used as an insertion style effect for
application to one channel; it has on/off in this mode. This contains a palette of over 70 effects
types, including amp simulators, delays, aphex type c exciters, compressors, eq.;All of the
above buss effects have individual send levels for each of the audio & MIDI parts.;Insertion
Buss 1 - Can be applied to any channel (analog or MIDI) and then, if required, switched to
another channel mid song. Has the bulk of the variation buss effects also available.;Insertion
Buss 2 - As above.;EQ - Multichannel for MIDI is 2 band eq (Hi/LOW + Gain).;Master EQ -
Global EQ buss applied to analog and MIDI signals, fully parametric five band (Q,Width,Freq
etc).;VH Buss - This is present if the PLG100VH is fitted and acts in the same way as the
insertion busses 1&2.It adds a third insertion buss in essence and will run alongside all other
busses, using no CPU power. Provides multipart or doubling/harmonizing similar to the Digitech
Vocalist in terms of quality. Will track to MIDI events and adjust key in accordance with MIDI
note data if required. Uses the primary DSP chip from the 02r mixer (YSS28e-F) to do this.;This
means that you can simultaneously run a chorus, reverb, variation effect, two insertion effects
and the master eq, tweak them in real-time, and either save them (using apps like XGEDIT) or
just record them into the event list in your sequencer.;If you have the PLG100VH card fitted to
the SW1000XG, you can also run another effect from the PLG Insertion buss.The PLG100VH
insertion buss uses the same core DSP processor as the 02R digital mixer (the DSP3 chip), so
you can rest assured that its audio processing quality is very high.To modify effects in real-time
in your sequencer requires the use of controllers/nrpns and sysex messages which can be
done by XGEDIT, or specific software support for your sequencer (such as the free studio ware
panel for Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.0/7.0) or by typing in the appropriate sysex into the event
list.The MIDI data in the spare track that you create will control the card directly if you use
controllers , and specific MIDI channels must be used. However, if you use sysex, you can use
any track, and not have to worry about switching off MIDI channels.Note these are busses, not
just effects. Each buss can select from a palette of up to 70 different effects types. We aren’t
just talking chorus and reverb here!
32 Question: Why is the SW1000XG PCI based when many other cards are ISA buss?
Answer: ISA is a dead format (bit of a sweeping statement, but hey!), that’s why. The PC98
specs don’t even really allow for ISA buss cards. Plus, the ISA buss hasn’t got the horsepower
for what the SW1000XG or the DS2416 are doing in terms of number of tracks for playback.So
when you go into PC World in the next year or so, you are not going to find too many ISA cards,
as the PC98 specs machines won’t have the slots for them. So if you have just thought about
the potential competition for the SW1000XG (ha), and this involves an ISA buss, then think
again.PCI buss is 33mHz to 100mHz, whilst ISA is 8mHz (a massive difference in speed).
Couple that fact with the enormous DSP power of the SW1000XG and you get to see why we
are so excited.
33 Question: Is a full MIDI implementation chart available online?
Answer: Yes, in Microsoft Excel format on the SW1000XG home page and also in the
34 Question: Can I make up my own MIDI cable for the SW1000XG?
Answer: Why? One comes with it, and Yamaha will not cover your warranty if you go making
your own. If you have a faulty cable, Yamaha main dealers will be able to help.
35 Question: Where can I get a longer cable, as the gender on the current one, coupled with the
length of cable makes it difficult to reach my keyboards?
Answer: Please contact your local Yamaha outlet.
36 Question: Is the MIDI on the SW1000XG fully MPU401 compatible?