
Answer: Yes, and with the use of several other useful tools available online, you can get apps
like VST running on 686p+ machines also, making, with the effects power of the SW1000XG,
VST a viable option for 686p+ users at long last.
58 Question: Can I use my existing multi i/o card such as the Audiowerk8 or Gina/Darla with the
Answer: Happily, no problem at all; in fact we encourage this type of use. The concept being
that for multi channel i/o, third party cards (and the DSP Factory) make great companions to the
SW1000XG, which many see as a great synth, VL, post processing and playback device
anyway. Your other cards such as the Gina/Audiowerk etc, can be used as multi i/o and aux
sends to external effects if you wish, and then use the power of the effects and synth on the
SW1000XG to get the whole lot down to CD using the loopback function.
59 Question: What cards have been tested to run along side the SW1000XG?
Answer: So far, we have tested many pro cards from companies such as Turtle Beach, Event,
Korg, Creamware and games cards from companies such as Creative Labs/ Aztech and they all
sit happily doing the ins and outs alongside the raw horsepower of the SW1000XG.
60 Question: Does this mean that I need a separate card to run with the SW1000XG?
Answer: Not at all, its just Yamaha saying that if you have a card, don’t throw it away, as the
more the merrier. The SW1000XG will act as a pro level HDR and synth card on its own.
61 Question: If I record at 48kHz and then want to make a CD from this using my CDR unit, will
the SW1000XG handle the sample rate conversion?
Answer: No, but good apps like Soundforge, Wavelab and others of that type will do this.
62 Question: Are there particular computers that Yamaha recommends for use with
Answer: SW1000XG requires a Pentium PCI 2.1 or higher system, running at 5V, with
minimum 16 MB of RAM (32mb or more highly recommended for use in anything other than
media player, as Windows swap files will reduce your audio playback to a crawl). We also
suggest that the computer be outfitted with Intel brand chipsets, as performance for some
applications can be affected by non Intel based processors. The use of non-Intel processors will
not affect the operation of the SW1000XG in any way, but they may have a detrimental effect
on applications such as Cubase/Cakewalk etc especially when using Active Movie effects which
use massive amounts of FPU power.
63 Question: If I have a 486 machine will the SW1000XG work?
Answer: Not seen too many 486’s with PCI slots, but hey !!..Answer NO! Don’t even think
about it. Anyway, as the Pentium is now old technology (with Pentium 2 machines, isn’t it about
time people started to wake up and smell the coffee, so to speak).
64 Question: If the DSP Factory & the SW1000XG have so much power on board why do
Yamaha quote a minimum spec of a P166?
Answer: The support software and data transfer across the PCI buss determine this. Its no
good telling people with P75’s that they can plug in this new card and run 32 tracks of MIDI and
12 tracks of audio in Cubase VST on a P75, as it won’t work. Yamaha are being honest and
conservative about the specs for the SW1000XG. Tests have shown that P133 (686p+166)
machines are capable of running the SW1000XG in VST/Cakewalk etc with little or no
problems; we’re just being a bit cautious on specs.
65 Question: What if I put the SW1000XG into my PCI slot and the system just locks up on
Answer: Sounds like you may need to juggle your PCI cards around a bit. Some
motherboards may encounter this problem. If this is the case, just try the card in another slot. If