User Manual

host : Remote host name, IPv4 address (A.B.C.D), or IPv6 address (X:X::X:X)
[Input mode]
priviledged EXEC mode
Delete the public key of the SSH server that is connected as an SSH client.
Clear the SSH host information.
SWP2#clear ssh host
4.18 E-mail notification
4.18.1 SMTP e-mail server settings
mail server smtp id host host [port port] [encrypt method] [auth username password]
no mail server smtp id
port : Specifying a port number for the e-mail server
encrypt : Specifying an encryption method
auth : Specifying the account information to use for SMTP authentication
id : <1-10>
Mail server ID
host : Mail server address or host name
IPv4 address (A.B.C.D), IPv6 address (X:X::X:X)
When specifying an IPv6 link local address, the transmitting interface also needs to be specified (in
fe80::X%vlanN format).
Host name (64 characters or less, Single-byte alphanumeric characters - . and :)
port : <1-65535>
Port number for e-mail server (this is 25 when omitted, and 465 when over-ssl is specified as method)
method : Encryption method
Setting value Description
over-ssl Encrypting communication ( over SSL )
starttls Encrypting communication ( STARTTLS )
username : User name used for SMTP authentication
(64 characters or less, ? " | > and aingle-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols other than spaces)
password : Passwords used for SMTP authentication
(64 characters or less,? " | > and aingle-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols other than spaces)
[Initial value]
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Command Reference | Maintenance and operation functions | 81