User Manual

Setting value Description
rxonly Set receive-only mode
txonly Set transmit-only mode
txrx Set transmit and receive
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Enables or disables the LLDP function for all LAN/SFP+ port in a single operation.
If this setting is enabled, set the transmission and reception mode of the specified LLDP frames.
This command can be executed only for global configuration mode.
This command is for making the LLDP setting of each interface, and is not shown in running-config.
Enable the LLDP function of all LAN/SFP+ port, and set a mode that allows transmission and reception of LLDP frames.
SWP2(config)#lldp interface enable txrx
4.19.19 Show interface status
show lldp interface ifname [neighbor]
neighbor : Shows information for connected devices.
ifname : Interface name of the LAN/SFP+ port
Interface to show
[Input mode]
unprivileged EXEC mode, priviledged EXEC mode
Shows LLDP information for the interface specified by ifname.
If "neighbor" is specified, information for the device connected to the interface is shown.
The following items are shown.
For show lldp interface ifname
Interface and its statistical information
Agent Mode Bridge mode (fixed as nearest bridge)
Enable (tx/rx) Transmission mode/Reception mode (Y:enable, N:disable)
Message fast transmit time LLDP frame transmission interval for high speed transmission
period (seconds)
Message transmission interval LLDP frame transmission interval (seconds)
Reinitialisation delay Time from LLDP frame transmission stop until re-
initialization (seconds)
MED Enabled LLDP-MED TLV transmission enable/disable
Device Type Device type (fixed as NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY)
Total frames transmitted Number of LLDP frames transmitted
Total entries aged Number of devices not received for more than TTL seconds,
and deleted from management table
96 | Command Reference | Maintenance and operation functions