User Manual

Table Of Contents
10.1.12 Revoking client certificates
certificate revoke user userid
certificate revoke id certificate-id
user : Revoking client certificates for specified users
id : Revoking client certificates for specified client certificate IDs
userid : User ID
(within 3–32 characters; cannot specify “DEFAULT”)
Authentication method Characters that can be inputted
Single-byte alphanumeric characters and
symbols other than the characters \ [ ] " ? and
Single-byte alphanumeric characters and
symbols other than the characters \ [ ] / : * | < >
" ? and spaces
certificate-id : Client certificate ID
Combination of “user ID” and “serial number”
[Input mode]
priviledged EXEC mode
This revokes client certificates for specified users or client certificate IDs.
In the event that a client certificate is revoked, the authorization using that certificate will fail.
Client certificate IDs (certificate-id) can be checked using the show radius-server local certificate list command.
This revokes the client certificate for user ID “Taro”.
SWP2#certificate revoke user Taro
This revokes the client certificate for client certificate ID “Taro-DF598EE9B44D22CC”.
SWP2#certificate revoke id Taro-DF598EE9B44D22CC
10.1.13 Exporting of client certificates (sending via e-mail)
certificate export mail all compress
certificate export mail user userid compress
all : Send client certificates for all users via e-mail
user : Send client certificates for specified users via e-mail
compress : Compress into a ZIP file
userid : User ID
Command Reference | Application | 299