User Manual

Table Of Contents
Shows the current time, year, month, and date.
When detail is specified, detailed information (current time and daylight saving time) is displayed.
If daylight saving time is recurring, it displays the actual date of the next (or currently in effect) daylight saving time period.
Show current time.
SWP2>show clock
Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 JST 2015
Display detailed information about the current time. (If daylight saving time is configured)
SWP2>show clock detail
Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 JST 2021
Summer Time
Type : Recurring
Offset : 60 (min)
From : Sun Mar 14 02:00:00 JST 2021
To : Sun Nov 7 02:00:00 JDT 2021
Display detailed information about the current time. (If daylight saving time is not configured)
SWP2>show clock detail
SWX3220>show clock detail
Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 JST 2021
Summer Time Disabled
4.8.6 Set NTP server
ntpdate server ipv4 ipv4_addr
ntpdate server ipv6 ipv6_addr
ntpdate server name fqdn
no ntpdate server
ipv4 : Specify the NTP server by IPv4 address
ipv6 : Specify the NTP server by IPv6 address
name : Specify the NTP server by host name
ipv4_addr : IPv4 address of the NTP server
ipv6_addr : IPv6 address of the NTP server
If you specify an IPv6 link local address, you must also specify the output interface (fe80::X%vlanN
fqdn : Host name of the NTP server
As character types, alphabetical characters (uppercase/lowercase), numerals, . (period), and - (hyphen)
can be used
[Initial value]
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Registers the address or host name of the NTP server.
Up to two instances of this command can be set.
48 | Command Reference | Maintenance and operation functions