User Manual

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no http-server access [action info]
action : Specifies the action for the access condition
Setting value Description
deny "Deny" the condition
permit "Permit" the condition
info : Specifies the transmission-source IPv4 address or IPv6 address that is the condition.
Setting value Description
A.B.C.D Specifies an IPv4 address (A.B.C.D)
Specifies an IPv4 address (A.B.C.D) with subnet
mask length (Mbit)
X:X::X:X Specifies an IPv6 address (X:X::X:X)
Specifies an IPv6 address (X:X::X:X) with
subnet mask length (Mbit)
any Applies to all IPv4 addresses and IPv6 addresses
[Initial value]
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Restrict access to the HTTP server according to the client terminal's IPv4/IPv6 address.
Up to eight instances of this command can be set, and those that are specified earlier take priority for application.
If this command is set, all access that does not satisfy the registered conditions is denied.
However, if this command is not set, all access is permitted.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, the specified setting is deleted.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, and parameter is omitted, all settings are deleted.
If http-server enable or http-server secure enable are not specified, this command does not function.
Permit access to the HTTP server only from and the segment.
SWP2(config)#http-server access permit
SWP2(config)#http-server access permit
Deny access to the HTTP server only from segment.
SWP2(config)#http-server access deny
SWP2(config)#http-server access permit any
4.17.6 Web GUI display language
http-server language lang
no http-server language
lang : Specify the language
82 | Command Reference | Maintenance and operation functions