User Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 1
How to read the command reference
1.1 Applicable firmware revision
This command reference applies to firmware Yamaha Intelligent L2 Switch SWR2310 of Rev.2.04.14.
For the latest firmware released after printing of this command reference, manuals, and items that differ, access the following
URL and see the information in the WWW server.
1.2 How to read the command reference
This command reference describes the commands that you enter from the console of the Yamaha Intelligent L2 Switch
Each command is described by a combination of the following items.
Explains the command input syntax. Key input can use either
uppercase or lowercase characters.
Command names are shown in bold (Bold face).
The parameter portion is shown in italic (Italic face).
Keywords are shown in normal characters.
Parameters that can be omitted are enclosed in square
brackets ( [ ] ).
Explains the type and significance of keywords that can be
specified for the command.
Explains the type and significance of parameters that can be
specified for the command.
[Default setting] Indicates the factory-set state of the command.
[Input mode] Indicates the modes in which the command can be executed.
[Description] Explains the command.
Explains points that you should be aware of when using the
[Examples] Provides specific examples of the command.
1.3 Interface names
In the command input syntax, interface names are used to specify each interface of the switch.
The following interface names are handled by the SWR2310.
Interface type Prefix Description Examples
LAN/SFP port port
Used to specify a physical
port. Specify "stack ID" + "."
+ "port number" after the port
number. * The
SWR2310-10G,18G are fixed
as stack ID=1.
When specifying LAN port
#1 on LAN port stack #1 :
VLAN interface vlan
Used to specify a VLAN.
Specify vlan followed by the
To specify VLAN #1: vlan1
Command Reference | How to read the command reference | 13