User Manual

Table Of Contents
timeout : Sets the reply standby time for requests sent to the RADIUS server
retransmit : Sets the number of times to resend the request to the RADIUS server
key : Sets the password used for communicating with the RADIUS server
host : IPv4 address (A.B.C.D) or IPv6 address (X:X::X:X)
When specifying an IPv6 link local address, the transmitting interface also needs to be specified
(fe80::X%vlanN format).
port : <0-65535>
UDP port number used for authentication (the default value of 1812 is used when this is omitted)
time : <1-1000>
Reply standby time (in seconds; the settings for the radius-server timeout command--5 sec. at default
are used if this is omitted)
count : <0-100>
Number of times to resend (the settings for the radius-server retransmit command--3 times. at default
are used if this is omitted)
secret : Single-byte alphanumeric characters, and single-byte symbols other than the characters '?' and spaces
(128 characters or less)
Shared password (the settings for the radius-server key command are used if this is omitted)
[Initial value]
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Adds a server to the authentication server list.
The maximum number of entries is 8.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, this deletes the specified server from the authentication server list.
The setting values should be adjusted so that the value of (setting value of radius-server timeout command) x (setting value of
radius-server retransmit command + 1) x (number of RADIUS servers) is within the setting value of the auth timeout
server-timeout command.
The radius-server host command configured with the LLDP auto-configuration feature is suffixed with the "dynamic" option
that indicates it is a temporary setting. When the "dynamic" option is added, it will not be saved to the startup configuration
even if the write command is executed.
Add the server at IP address, with a reply standby time of 10 seconds and a number of times to resend requests
of 5 seconds to the authentication server list.
SWR2310(config)#radius-server host timeout 10 retransmit 5
Add the server at IP address, with an authentication UDP port of 1645 and a shared password of "abcde" to the
authentication server list.
SWR2310(config)#radius-server host auth-port 1645 key abcde
Adds the local RADIUS server to the authentication server list.
SWR2310(config)#radius-server host key secret_local
5.3.21 Set the reply wait time for each RADIUS server
radius-server timeout time
no radius-server timeout
180 | Command Reference | Interface control