User Manual

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7.1.2 Show IPv4 address
show ip interface [interface] brief
interface : VLAN interface name
[Input mode]
unprivileged EXEC mode, privileged EXEC mode
Shows the IPv4 address for each interface.
The following content is shown.
IPv4 address
For secondary addresses, “(secondary)” is appended to the end of IPv4 addresses.
If an IPv4 address has been specified by the ip address dhcp command, an "*" is shown added before the displayed
IPv4 address.
If the IPv4 address is not specified after setting the ip address dhcp command (such as while searching for the server),
then "searching" is shown.
If the ip address command has not been set, the indication "unassigned" is shown.
Physical layer status
Data link layer status
If an interface is specified, information for that interface is shown. If the interface is omitted, information is shown for all
interfaces for which an IPv4 address can be specified.
An error occurs if the specified interface is one to which an IP address cannot be assigned.
Show the IP address of every VLAN interface.
SWR2310>show ip interface brief
Interface IP-Address Admin-Status Link-Status
vlan1 (secondary) up up
vlan2 up down
vlan3 unassigned up down
7.1.3 Automatically set IPv4 address by DHCP client
ip address dhcp [hostname hostname]
no ip address
hostname : Set host name of DHCP server
hostname : Host name or IPv4 address (A.B.C.D)
[Initial value]
[Input mode]
interface mode
Using the DHCP client, assigns the IPv4 address granted by the DHCP server to the VLAN interface.
If the DHCP server is specified, the HostName option (option code 12) can be added to the Discover/Request message.
If an IPv4 address has been obtained, you can execute the no ip address command to send a release message for the obtained
IP address to the DHCP server.
232 | Command Reference | Layer 3 functions