User Manual

Table Of Contents
[Input mode]
privileged EXEC mode
Shows the settings of the Telnet server. The following items are shown.
Telnet server function enabled/disabled status
Listening port number
VLAN interface that is permitted to access the TELNET server
Filter that controls access to the TELNET server
Show the settings of the Telnet server.
SWR2310#show telnet-server
Management interface(vlan): 1
Interface(vlan):1, 2, 3
4.14.3 Set host that can access the Telnet server
telnet-server interface interface
no telnet-server interface interface
interface : VLAN interface name
[Initial value]
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Sets the VLAN interface that allows access to the Telnet server.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, the specified interface is deleted.
This command can be used to specify up to eight items, which are applied in the order that they are specified.
If this command is not set, access is permitted only from the management VLAN.
If telnet-server enable is not specified, this command does not function.
Allow access to the Telnet server from the hosts connected to VLAN #1 and VLAN #2.
SWR2310(config)#telnet-server interface vlan1
SWR2310(config)#telnet-server interface vlan2
4.14.4 Restrict access to the TELNET server according to the IP address of the client
telnet-server access action info
no telnet-server access [action info]
action : Specifies the action for the access condition
78 | Command Reference | Maintenance and operation functions