User Manual

Broadcast packets : 0
Multicast packets : 91
Unicast packets : 0
TX errors : 0
Collisions : 0
Drop packets : 0
Received and Transmitted:
64octet packets : 1
65-127octet packets : 166
128-255octet packets : 7
256-511octet packets : 1
512-1023octet packets : 0
1024-MAXoctet packets : 0
5.1.14 Clear frame counters
clear counters ifname
ifname : Interface name of LAN/SFP port or logical interface
Applicable interface
[Input mode]
privileged EXEC mode
Clears frame counter information for the interface specified by ifname.
If logical interface is specified as the ifname, the frame counters of all LAN/SFP port port units associated with that interface
are cleared.
Clear the frame counters of LAN port #1.
SWR2310#clear counters port1.1
5.1.15 Show SFP module status
show ddm status
[Input mode]
unprivileged EXEC mode, privileged EXEC mode
Shows the status of the SFP module.
For each item, shows the current value, upper threshold value, and lower threshold value for each SFP port.
Item Description
Temperature Internal temperature of the module (°C)
Voltage Voltage value (V)
Current Current value (mA)
TX-Power Strength of light produced (dBm)
RX-Power Strength of light received (dBm)
Show the status of the SFP module.
SWR2310#show ddm status
Temperature High Alarm High Warning Low Warning Low Alarm
Interface (Celsius) Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
port1.25 42.7 100.0 85.0 -40.0 -55.0
port1.26 - - - - -
Command Reference | Interface control | 137