User Manual

filename : Single-byte alphanumeric characters and single-byte symbols
Filename of the file for customizing the Web authentication screen
src_config_num : Copy source configuration number
Setting value Description
0-4 Number of the start-up config
sd SD card
dst_config_num : Copy destination configuration number
Setting value Description
0−4 Number of the start-up config
sd SD card
[Input mode]
priviledged EXEC mode
Copies the file for customizing all Web authentication screens.
When copying the file for customizing the Web authentication screen from an SD card to the switch, put the respective files in
the /[model name]/startup-config/web-auth/ folder on the SD card.
In a state in which the SD card is not mounted, executing this command on a config that is in the SD card produces an error.
Copy all of the files for customizing the Web authentication screen from the SD card to startup configuration #0.
SWR2311P#copy auth-web startup-config all sd 0
5.3.34 Delete the file for customizing the Web authentication screen
erase auth-web custom-file all config_num
erase auth-web custom-file filename config_num
all : Deletes the file for customizing all Web authentication screens
filename : Single-byte alphanumeric characters and single-byte symbols
Filename of the file for customizing the Web authentication screen
config_num : Number of config
Setting value Description
0-4 Number of the start-up config
sd SD card
[Input mode]
priviledged EXEC mode
Deletes the file for customizing the Web authentication screen.
In a state in which the SD card is not mounted, executing this command on a config that is in the SD card produces an error.
160 | Command Reference | Interface control