User Manual

Keyboard operation Description and notes
Ctrl + D
Delete the character at the cursor.
If this operation is performed when the command line is
empty, the result is the same as the exit command.
Press Esc, then D
Delete from the cursor position until immediately before the
first space
Ctrl + K Delete from the cursor position until the end of the line
Ctrl + U Delete all characters that are being entered
Keyboard operation Description and notes
Ctrl + T
Exchange the character at the cursor position with the
preceding character.
If the cursor is at the end of the line, exchange the preceding
character with the character that precedes it.
Ctrl + C
In unprivileged EXEC mode and priviledged EXEC mode,
discard the command being entered and move to the next
In individual configuration mode, discard the command line
being entered and move to priviledged EXEC mode.
Command processing that is currently being executed will
be stopped. (ex: ping command)
Ctrl + Z
Move from individual configuration mode to priviledged
EXEC mode.
This is the same operation as the end command.
2.5.2 Command help
By entering '?' in the command line you can search for the available commands or parameters.
SWR2311P#show vlan ?
<1-4094> VLAN id
access-map Show VLAN Access Map
brief VLAN information for all bridges (static and dynamic)
filter Show VLAN Access Map Filter
private-vlan private-vlan information
SWR2311P#show vlan
2.5.3 Input command completion and keyword candidate list display
If you press the "Tab" key while entering a command in the console, the command name is completed. If you press the "Tab"
key after entering a keyword, a list of keyword candidates that can be entered next is shown. The same operation can also be
performed by pressing the "Ctrl + I" key.
Command name completion
SWR2311P#con "press the <Tab>key"
Keyword candidate list display
SWR2311P(config)#vlan "press the <Tab> key"
access-map database filter
2.5.4 Entering command abbreviations
When you enter commands or parameters in abbreviated form, and the characters you entered can be recognized
unambiguously as a command or parameter, that command is executed.
Example of entering a command abbreviation (show running-config)
SWR2311P# sh run
22 | Command Reference | How to use the commands