User Manual

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4.17.8 Set SSH client alive checking
ssh-server client alive enable [interval [count]]
ssh-server client alive disable
no ssh-server client alive
interval : <1-2147483647>
Client alive checking interval (seconds, if omitted: 100)
count : <1-2147483647>
Maximum count for client alive checking (if omitted: 3)
[Initial value]
ssh-server client alive disable
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Sets whether to perform client alive checking.
A message requesting a response is sent to the client at intervals of the number of seconds specified by "interval". If there is no
response for a successive number of times specified by "count", the connection with this client is cut and the session is ended.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, the setting returns to the default.
4.18 SSH client
4.18.1 Start SSH client
ssh [user@] host [port]
user : User name used when logging in to the remote host
host : Remote host name, IPv4 address (A.B.C.D), or IPv6 address (X:X::X:X)
If you specify an IPv6 link local address, you must also specify the output interface (fe80::X%vlanN
port : <1-65535>
Port number to use (if omitted: 22)
[Initial value]
[Input mode]
priviledged EXEC mode
Connects to the specified host via SSH.
If user is omitted, access the SSH server using the currently logged-in user name.
If user is omitted when logged in as an unnamed user, "root" is used.
The escape character is the tilde (~). The escape character is recognized only if it is input at the beginning of the line.
If the escape character is input twice in succession at the beginning of the line, the escape character is used as input to the
If the escape character followed by a period (.) is input, the connection is forcibly closed.
If the escape character followed by a question mark (?) is input, a list of escape inputs is shown.
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