User Manual

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4.3.7 Set description for startup config
startup-config description config_num line
no startup-config description config_num
config_num : <0-4>
Configuration number
line : Single-byte alphanumeric characters and single-byte symbols (63 characters or less)
Description for applicable startup config
[Input mode]
priviledged EXEC mode
Specify a description for the applicable startup config.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, the description is deleted.
The description is shown at the beginning of the execution result of the show startup-config command.
Specify a description for startup config #1.
SWR2311P#startup-config description 1 TEST_CONFIG_1
4.3.8 Select startup config
startup-config select config_num
no startup-config select
config_num : Configuration number
Setting Description
<0-4> Startup config #0-#4
sd Startup config on the SD card
[Initial value]
startup-config select sd
[Input mode]
priviledged EXEC mode
Select the settings to use at startup (startup config), and restart.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, the setting returns to the default.
At startup, if "sd" is specified as config_num and an SD card on which a startup config is saved is not inserted, startup config #0
is selected.
Select startup config #1 and restart.
SWR2311P#startup-config select 1
reboot system? (y/n): y
4.4 Manage boot information
36 | Command Reference | Maintenance and operation functions