User Manual

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7.12.46 Set summary destination network address when advertising to OSPF area (OSPFv3)
summary-address network [not-advertise] [tag tag]
no summary-address network [not-advertise] [tag tag]
not-advertise : External route information whose destination is included in the summary destination network address
is no longer advertised to the OSPF area.
network : Network range. OSPF runs on the interface to which the specified IP address range is assigned. The
input format is as follows.
Setting value Description
X:X::X:X/M Network range in IPv6 address format
tag : <0-4294967295>
Route tag number
[Initial value]
[Input mode]
OSPFv3 mode
Specifies the summary destination network address for when summarizing external route information and advertising it to the
OSPF area.
Summarization applies to the external route information with destinations that are included in the specified network address.
This is valid only for an ASBR.
7.12.47 Set area authentication for each interface
ip ospf [ip_address] authentication [type]
no ip ospf [ip_address] authentication
ip_address : IP address of interface (IPv4 format)
type : Authentication type
Setting value Description
null Do not use area authentication.
message-digest Use digest authentication.
[Initial value]
[Input mode]
interface mode
For each interface, enables authentication within the area.
If type is not specified, simple password authentication is used. In this case, use the ip ospf authentication-key command to
specify the authentication key.
If "message-digest" is specified as the type, MD5 digest authentication is used. In this case, use the ip ospf message-digest-key
command to specify the authentication key.
294 | Command Reference | Layer 3 functions