Service manual

5. Check the insulation between the shaft
or laminations and ground. If there is
any continuity, replace the armature.
6. Inspect that the commutator is an open
circuit by checking for continuity
between segments. If any segment is
not continuous, replace the armature.
ASSEMBLY (50, 60, 70 hp)
1. Apply a thin coat of water resistant
grease to the rear cover bushing and
install the armature in the rear cover
Install by lifting the brushes, and inserting
the armature straight into the bushing tak-
ing care not to scratch the brush or contam-
inate it with grease.
2. Install the yoke assembly, aligning the
recess on the rear cover with the projec-
tion on the stator and ensuring that the
O-ring fits correctly in the rear cover
3. Mount the two washers on the arma-
ture shaft. Sparingly apply water resis-
tant grease to the front cover bushing,
ensure that the O-ring fits into the arma-
ture shaft and insert the shaft into the
front cover.