Info Sheet

The familiar Yamaha scene memory that stores mix settings for instant recall when needed is included as always.
There’s also a range of channel presets that have been created in cooperation with leading microphone manufacturers
and eminent sound engineers, providing starting points that take you a long way towards achieving great sound.
The channel presets cover parameters such as HA gain, EQ, dynamics, and much more, right down to details like channel name and color.
Less time needs to be spent on basic setup so that more time is available for refining the mix and communicating with the performers.
Practical Presets and Scenes – Shortcuts to Great Sound
Comment from Sennheiser
Michael Polten, Product Management & Marketing,
Live Performance & Music
“The presets in the Yamaha TF series digital mixers provide users with an accurate indication of how to
set the EQ for a wide variety of instrument/microphone combin ations. These preset functions give
the sound technician a solid basis to start from. All that is need ed is to adapt the EQ-ing to the specific
room and the instruments.”
Comment from Audio-Technica Corporation Keisuke Kobayashi, CMO CTO
“Each Audio-Technica microphone is painstakingly designed to give a truly accurate reproduction
within the application it has been selected for. We strive to provide the best possible tools allowing
the user to realise the expression of their work. Collaborating closely with the TF engineers on
the instrument specific presets means that we can be sure our microphones deliver their best
performance, while leaving the user free to focus on the creativity and character of the production.”