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Two-input, two-output stereo delay with a crossed feedback loop.
One-input, two-output effect that has a delay and reverb connected in series.
One-input, two-output early reflection effect.
Parameter Range Description
Delay L 1.0ms – 1350.0ms Left channel delay time.
Delay R 1.0ms – 1350.0ms Right channel delay time.
Delay FB L 1.0ms – 1350.0ms Left channel feedback delay time.
Delay FB R 1.0ms – 1350.0ms Right channel feedback delay time.
Feedback Gain L -99 – +99 Left channel feedback gain.
Feedback Gain R -99 – +99 Right channel feedback gain.
XFeedback Gain -99 – +99 Left-to-right, right-to-left feedback gain.
High Ratio 0.1 – 1.0 Amount of high-frequency feedback.
HPF Thru, 21.2Hz – 8.00kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency.
LPF 50.0Hz – 16.0kHz, Thru Low-pass filter cutoff frequency.
Sync Off, On Delay time tempo sync.
Note L ----, Value used to calculate the left channel delay time based on the tempo.
Note R ----, Value used to calculate the right channel delay time based on the tempo.
Note FBL ----, Value used to calculate the left delay feedback time based on the tempo.
Note FBR ----, Value used to calculate the right delay feedback time based on the tempo.
Parameter Range Description
Delay 1.0ms – 2700.0ms Delay time.
Feedback Gain -99% – 99% Amount of feedback.
DLY BAL 0% – 100% Delay mix balance.
Reverb Time 0.3s – 20.0s Determines the length of the reverberation.
High Ratio 0.1 – 1.0 Ratio of high frequency reverberations to the Reverb Time.
Diffusion 0 – 10 Left and right spread of the reverberation.
Density 0% – 100% Density of the reverberation.
HPF Thru, 21.2Hz – 8.00kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency.
LPF 50.0Hz – 16.0kHz, Thru Low-pass filter cutoff frequency.
REV BAL 0% – 100% Reverb mix balance.
Sync Off, On Parameter tempo sync.
Note ----, Value used to calculate the delay time based on the tempo.
Parameter Range Description
S-Hall, L-Hall, Random, Reverse, Plate,
Early reflection type.
Room Size 0.1 – 20.0 Room size; determines interval between early reflections.
Liveness 0 – 10 Decay of the early reflections (0: least lively; 10: most lively)
Initial Delay 1.0ms – 500.0ms Delay before the early reflection.
Diffusion 0 – 10 Width of the reflections in the stereo field.
Density 0% – 100% Density of the reflections.
ER Number 1 – 19 Number of reflections.
Feedback Gain -99% – 99% Amount of feedback.
High Ratio 0.1 – 1.0 Amount of high-frequency feedback.
HPF Thru, 21.2Hz – 8.00kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency.
LPF 50.0Hz – 16.0kHz, Thru Low-pass filter cutoff frequency.