User Manual

SH2 Owner’s Manual
Song Transpose
Shifts the pitch of the MIDI Song or Audio Song up or down in semitone intervals. For example, if you set this
parameter to “5,” the note of key C is played back in pitch F. In this way, the F major song is played back as if it
were in C major.
MIDI note numbers received from an external MIDI device or computer will not be affected by the Transpose setting.
Applying transpose to an Audio Song may change its tonal characteristics.
Audio Song Volume
Adjusts the volume of Audio Song playback.
Half Pedal Point
You can sets the degree to which pressing the damper pedal applies the half-pedal effect. The larger the value,
the wider the half-pedal range. Larger values give you greater leeway in controlling the half-pedal effect.
Setting range
-12 – 0 – +12
Default setting
Setting range
1 – 20
Default setting
Setting range
-2 – 0 – +4
Default setting
Half-pedal function
This function allows the sustain length to vary depending on how far the pedal is pressed. The farther you
press the pedal, the more the sound sustains. For example, if you press the damper pedal and all notes you
are playing sound a bit murky and loud with too much sustain, you can release the pedal half way to
subdue the sustain (murkiness).