User Manual

MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des données MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI
12 TA2 MIDI Reference / MIDI-Referenz / Référence MIDI / Referencia MIDI
*1 Changed to XG, and output.
Channel Pressure (Aftertouch) F0 7F XN 09 01 0M PP RR … F7
11110000 F0 = Exclusive status
01111111 7F = Universal Real Time
0xxxnnnn XN = When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received. X=ignored
00001001 09 = Sub-ID #1=Controller Destination Setting
00000001 01 = Sub-ID #2=Controller Type: 01 (Channel Pressure)
0000mmmm 0M = MIDI Channel (00-0F)
0ppppppp PP = Controlled Parameter
0rrrrrrr RR = Data
11110111 F7 = End of Exclusive
Make sure to set both the controlled parameter and the range.
Parameters not set will be restored to their default values.
Control Parameter (pp) Data (RR) Description Default Value
pp=00 Pitch Control 28H-58H -24…0…+24 semitones 40H
pp=01 Filter Cutoff Control 00H-7FH -9600…0…+9450 cents 40H
pp=02 Amplitude Control 00H-7FH -100…0…+100% 40H
pp=03 LFO Pitch Depth 00H-7FH 0…127 00H
pp=04 LFO Filter Depth 00H-7FH 0…127 00H
pp=05 LFO Amplitude Depth 00H-7FH 0…127 00H
[GM2] O X
Controller (Control Change) F0 7F XN 09 03 0M CC PP RR … F7
11110000 F0 = Exclusive status
01111111 7F = Universal Real Time
0xxxnnnn XN = When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received. X=ignored
00001001 09 = Sub-ID #1=Controller Destination Setting
00000011 03 = Sub-ID #2=Controller Type: 03 (Control Change)
0000mmmm 0M = MIDI Channel (00-0F)
0ccccccc CC = Controller Number (01H-1FH, 40H-5FH)
0ppppppp PP = Controlled Parameter
0rrrrrrr RR = Range
11110111 F7 = End of Exclusive
Make sure to set both the controlled parameter and the range.
Parameters not set will be restored to their default values.
Control Parameter (pp) Data (RR) Description Default Value
pp=00 Pitch Control 28H-58H -24…0…+24 semitones 40H
pp=01 Filter Cutoff Control 00H-7FH -9600…0…+9450 cents 40H
pp=02 Amplitude Control 00H-7FH -100…0…+100% 40H
pp=03 LFO Pitch Depth 00H-7FH 0…127 00H
pp=04 LFO Filter Depth 00H-7FH 0…127 00H
pp=05 LFO Amplitude Depth 00H-7FH 0…127 00H
[GM2] O X
Key-Based Instrument Control F0 7F XN 0A 01 0M KK CC VV … F7
11110000 F0 = Exclusive status
01111111 7F = Universal Real Time
0xxxnnnn XN = When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received. X=ignored
00001010 0A = Sub-ID #1=Key-Based Instrument Control
00000011 01 = Sub-ID #2=Controller
0000mmmm 0M = MIDI Channel (00-0F)
0kkkkkkk KK = Key Number
0ccccccc CC = Controller Number
0vvvvvvv VV = Value
11110111 F7 = End of Exclusive
Make sure to set both the controlled number and the value.
Control Number (CC) Value (VV) Description Default Value
CC=07H Volume 00H-7FH -100…0…+100% 40H
CC=0AH Pan 00H-7FH (absolute) L63…C…R63 (Preset value)
CC=5BH Reverb Send Level 00H-7FH (absolute) 0…Max (Preset value)
CC=5DH Chorus Send Level 00H-7FH (absolute) 0…Max (Preset value)
[GM2] O X
MIDI Event Data Format MIDI Formats