Owner's Manual

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
[No Assign]
Makes no assignments. Select this when you are erasing an already set assignment.
•[Parameter Value Edit]
Allows the parameter of the component specified in the [Parameter] field to be changed.
[Scene Change]
Recalls a scene. The scene is recalled even if the current scene, and the one changed by the
DAW controller, are the same.
When a selection has been made, [SCENE] is displayed in the [Label] field. The last scene is
set in the [Parameter] field.
[Scene Increment]
Sets the scene increment. Recalls the next valid scene after the current scene.
When a selection has been made, [SINC] is displayed in the [Label] field.
[Scene Decrement]
Selects the scene decrement. Recalls the next valid scene before the current scene.
When a selection has been made, [SDEC] is displayed in the [Label] field.
Sets all mute. Mute is set ON and OFF by the DAW controller.
When a selection has been made, [MUTE] is displayed in the [Label] field.
Changes the component parameters. Selectable component names that are arranged in the
configuration are displayed in a list.
When selected, the first parameter included in the component is set in the [Parameter] field.
[GPI Lock]
Assigns GPI Lock. GPI Lock is set ON and OFF by the DAW controller.
When a selection has been made, [LOCK] is displayed in the [Label] field.
[Play Wav File]
Allows initiation of Wave file playback. The Wave file setting is made in the [Parameter] field.
Wave files set by the Wav File manager can be specified. Files can not be selected unless a
Wav Player is included in the DME configuration.
Selects a controller from the list when [Parameter Value Edit] is set in [Function]. [Switch],
[Fader], or [Knob] can be selected.
Enter a label. Double-click to enter the text. You can enter up to 16 characters of text. Set the value
with the <Enter> key, or cancel it with the <ESC> key.
If [Scene Change] , [Parameter Value Edit] or [Play Wav File], is set in [Function], set the
If you click here, a list will be displayed.
When [Scene Change] is set in [Function]
Displays scenes that can be selected.
When [Parameter Value Edit] is set in [Function]
Selectable parameters are displayed.
When [Play Wav File] is set in [Function]
Selectable Wave files are displayed.
If [Scene Change], [Scene Increment], [Scene Decrement], [Mute], or [GPI Lock] is selected for [Function], the label
name is fixed.