Owner's Manual

Chapter 4 Designer
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Toolkit Window Types
The contents of the Toolkit window will vary, depending on which window is active.
The following objects are displayed in each window:
[Area Parts List]
The [Area Parts List] displays objects that can be arranged in the Area window. The same objects are
displayed in the [Area Parts List] submenu on the [Tools] menu or on the context menu that appears
when you right-click on the sheet.
Active Design Window Toolkit Window
Area Window Area Parts List
Zone Window Device List
Configuration Window Component List
User Module Window Component List
Area Parts List Device List
Component List
Component List
(User Module
External Device ✔✔
Component ✔✔
SPX Component ✔✔
User Module
Pictures ✔✔✔✔
Tex t ✔✔✔✔
Boxes ✔✔✔✔
Ellipses ✔✔✔✔
You can create multiple zones in an area. They are added using the menu bar [Tool] menu “Zone” dialog box.