Owner's Manual

Chapter 4 Designer
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
When you place the DME in the Zone window, the DME icon display in the Toolkit window will
change to a muted color that indicates that it has already been placed.
ICP Placement
Just like for a DME, the first step it placing an ICP is to drag the [New] icon from the Toolkit window.
You can place the created ICP in another configuration, but you cannot place multiple identical
ICPs in a single configuration. If there are multiple ICPs in a hardware configuration, create an
equivalent number of ICP objects.
Placing a New ICP
Subordinate to the ICP folder in the Toolkit window is the [ICP1] folder. Below these folders you will
find a [New] icon. Drag it to the Zone window.
ICP not placed in
active configuration
Placed ICP
Place New ICP