Owner's Manual

Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Double-Click the Icon for the Project File
When you double-click the icon for the project file, the file will open. If DME Designer is not started,
it will start. After logon, the project file will open.
Just as when you use the [Open] command, if DME Designer is already started, the currently open
project file must be closed before another one can be opened. Therefore, a “Project file has been
modified. Save?” dialog box will be displayed.
If security is set for the project file, the “Enter ID & Password” dialog box will be displayed. Enter
the ID and password to open the file.
Closing Project Files
You cannot have multiple project files open simultaneously in DME Designer. To close the currently
open project file, you can create a new project file or open another project file.
Sometimes the “Project file has been modified. Save?” dialog box will not be displayed.