Owner's Manual

Chapter 6 Component Guide
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
A filter passes specific frequencies and attenuates all others.
There are seven types of filters available in the filter group: band pass filter (BPF), high pass filter
(HPF), low pass filter (LPF), notch filter (Notch), programmable BPF, programmable HPF, and
programmable LPF.
Band Pass Filter (BPF)
The band pass filter passes the signal from a specified frequency band, while attenuating frequencies
outside that band. There are two types of BPF components: mono channel and stereo channel. Mono
channel BPFs have one input and one output. Stereo channel BPFs have two of each.
Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. The parameters are the same for
mono channel and stereo channel components.
Section Parameter Setting Range Function
1 Input Level - to +10 dB Sets the input signal level.
2 Phase ON/OFF Reverses the phase of the input signal.
3 BPF Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the center frequency.
4 Q: 0.1 to 16.0 Sets the band width of a frequency band.
5 Bypass ON/OFF Turns bypass ON.
6 Output Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level.
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BPF component editor