Owner's Manual

Chapter 6 Component Guide
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. The number of input and output
channels varies depending on the component, but all share a common configuration in the
component editor.
The matrix mixer component editor consists of four sections: input, output, matrix, and block. The
[Master] buttons in the [Input] and [Output] sections display windows where you can make master
input and output settings. The level for each channel is set in separate windows that display four
channels each.
If a 64 input 64 output Matrix Mixer component or a 64 input 32 output Matrix Mixer component is placed in the DME64N
configuration window, no other components can be used even though the resource meter does not reach 100%. The 64
input 64 output Matrix Mixer component or the 64 input 32 output Matrix Mixer component cannot be used in the DME24N.
Section Name Function
1 Input Master Opens the Input Master window.
2 Output Master Opens the Output Master window.
3 Matrix Output level meters These meters display the output level for each channel.
Clicking here displays the Crosspoint window.
4 Block On Turns ON output for all channels in the Crosspoint window.
Lights the [ON] button (does not change the matrix mixer
component editor).
5 Off Turns OFF output for all channels in the Crosspoint window
(does not change the matrix mixer component editor).
6 Nominal Resets all output levels in the Crosspoint window, making
them 0 dB.
7 Minimum Resets all output levels in the Crosspoint window, making
them - dB.
Matrix Mixer component editor