
R Remote Version 3 Users Guide 29
IP Addressdialog box
This appears when you click the [Set IP Address] button in the "Device Information" dialog box.
Here you can view the device's IP SELECT MODE status, or specify the IP address for a STATIC IP
(MANUAL) device.
RMio64-D does not have the IP Address setting function. Since it is automatically set by the AUTO IP, [Set IP
Address] button will be disabled.
If you want to use an R series device (excluding RMio64-D) in STATIC IP (MANUAL) mode, perform
the following steps.
1. Start up the R series device in a mode other than STATIC IP (MANUAL).
2. Start R Remote.
3. In the "Device Information" dialog box, select the device that you will be setting to STATIC IP
4. In the "IP Address" dialog box, enter the necessary information for Static IP (Manual).
5. Click the [OK] button.
6. Put the R series device in STATIC IP (MANUAL) mode, and restart.
IP Select Mode
Shows the IP SELECT MODE of the device.
Static IP (Manual)
Specifies the IP address etc. that is used when the device starts with its IP SELECT MODE set to
[OK] button
Saves the settings and closes the dialog box.
If you want to change to the IP address that is specified here, set the device's DIP switch to
STATIC IP (MANUAL), and then restart the device.
[Cancel] button
Discards changes and closes the dialog box.