
R Remote Version 3 Users Guide 4
Using the PDF manual
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System Requirements
In order to use R Remote, you'll need the following items.
A computer equipped with the following conditions:
Windows 7 SP1 Home Premium or later, Windows 8, Windows 8.1
(R Remote supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.)
Mac OS X 10.9.5, 10.10.x
Intel Core i3/i5 or higher
120MB or more
An Ethernet connector (1000BASE-T or higher recommended)
Others Dante Controller must be installed. (
(*)You can download Dante Controller from the download page of the following
Ethernet cable (CAT5e or better)
Network switch (with gigabit Ethernet support)
R series units ( up to twenty four units) with firmware V3.00 or later
Keyboard Shortcuts
<Windows modifier key> ( <Mac modifier key>) + <key> or click shows the shortcut keys. For example,
<Ctrl> (<command>) +click means “press <Ctrl> under Windows or <command> under Mac, then
Right Click
On Mac click while holding down the <control> k ey.