
Dante Controller User Guide
Copyright © 2014 Audinate Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
version of Dante Controller, the user is prompted to update the conmon version, by reinstalling Dante
n Presets have been enhanced. You are now able to filter the parameters that are saved into presets,
edit preset files offline (this effectively allows you to use Dante Controller as an offline configuration
tool), and apply the saved parameter sets as 'device roles' to any compatible devices, on any net-
work (where supported). See Presets for more information.
n For supported devices, the new Device View > Latency tab allows you to view a histogram of audio
packet latency for each transmitter that the device is subscribed to.
n For supported devices, Clock Status Monitoring allows you to view a histogram of clock stability for
the device.
n Dante Controller can now be connected to primary and secondary networks (where applicable),
enabling full control over redundant devices should the primary network fail.
n Channel Groups allow you to group device channels into sets of 16.
n A new tab, Network Status, displays network related information for all devices on the network.
The 'Clear Counters' button on the Device View > Status tab can be used to clear packet error
history for the device.
n The Device Status tab is now called Device Info.
n The Clock Status tab has been enhanced.
n The Events tab has been enhanced. Events can now be filtered by severity, and the event log icon in
the status bar displays notifications for new events.
n The new Status Bar displays the status of connectivity to the primary and secondary networks, mul-
ticast bandwidth (previously shown in the toolbar), and notification icons for the event log and the
clock status monitor.
n New look and feel.
Previous releases
n Metering icons are displayed for supported devices.
n The Multicast Bandwidth for the network is displayed on the menu bar.
n The event log icons have been updated.
n Subscription in progress icons are now displayed when new subscriptions are made.
n Clock Health Monitoring - displays a notification if a device clock is showing signs of instability.
n Clear Config replaces FactoryReset for supported devices.
n Mute Status has been added to the Device view > Status tab.
n The Apple Bonjour service is no longer used for device discovery by Dante Controller for Windows -
the Audinate 'Dante Discovery' service is now used instead. Dante Discovery is installed auto-
matically with Dante Controller v3.4.0 for Windows.
Note: If you have Dante Firmware Update Manager or Dante Virtual Soundcard, do not uninstall
Bonjour from your system - it is still required by those applications.