
Dante Controller User Guide
Copyright © 2014 Audinate Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
n Refresh (F5): Refreshes the displayed network / device data
n Device View (Ctrl+D): Opens a new Device View window
Allows the activation of channel groups.
n About: Shows the Dante Controller version, and current event log file location
n License: Displays the license text
n Contents (Shift+F1): Opens a help window and displays help contents
Tool bar
Below the menu bar there is a tool bar, containing six buttons:
Reload Device Information Updates the current view with the latest device information from
the network. This is useful when a recent change to the network
has not yet propagated automatically through to Dante Controller
(for example, a new device has been added to the network).
Load Preset Loads a previously saved audio routing configuration. See Presets
for more information.
Save Preset Saves the current audio routing configuration. See Presets for
more information.
Choose a Dante Interface Opens the Configure Dante Interfaces dialog. See Configuring
Dante Controller for more information.
Clock Status Monitoring Activates the Clock Status Monitoring function. See Clock Status
Monitoring for more information.
Channel Groups Activates channel groups. See Channel Groups for more
To the right of the toolbar, Dante Controller displays the current master clock (or clocks, in the case of
redundant networks).
Click the tabs below the tool bar to view:
n Routing
n Device Info
n Clock Status
n Network Status
n Events
The use of each of these tabs is described in the next section.