
Dante Controller User Guide
Copyright © 2014 Audinate Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
Failsafe mode 48
Upgrade mode 48
Other Event Notifications 49
Device View 49
Device View Menu bar 51
File 51
Device 51
View 51
Help 51
Device View Toolbar 51
Device View Tabs 51
Receive Tab 52
Receive Channels 52
Available Channels 53
Creating Subscriptions 53
Changing Receive Channel Labels 53
Transmit Tab 54
Changing Tx channel labels 55
Status Tab 55
Device Information 55
Dante Information 56
Clock Synchronization 56
Primary Interface 56
Secondary Interface 57
Latency Tab 57
About Latency and Packet Loss 57
About the Histogram 58
Interpreting the Histogram 59
Device Config Tab 60
Configurable Parameters 61
Rename Device 61
Sample Rate 61
Device Latency 62
Reset Device 62
Network Config Tab 62
Dante Redundancy / Switch Configuration 63
Redundant 63
Switched 63
Switch Configuration 63
Addresses 63
HA Remote 64