Owner's Manual

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Internal HA Control
Displays/sets the connector to be used for internal head amp control. From a single digital mixer,
you can control the internal head amps of multiple DME series units within the device group. Set
this parameter only on the DME series units that is connected directly to the digital mixer, and turn
in “OFF” for other units. If the selected terminal was previously assigned to a different function, a
confirmation dialog will appear.
The available ports depend on the device.
DME64N: OFF, Remote (RS-422), Slot 1 through 4
DME24N: OFF, Remote (RS-422), Slot1
DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C: OFF, Remote, CobraNet
DME8i-ES/DME8o-ES/DME4io-ES: OFF, Remote, EtherSound
OFF: Select “OFF” when this function is not to be used.
Remote (RS-422): Allows a digital mixer to control the DME64N/24Ns internal head amps via
the [REMOTE] connector using an RS-422 connection.
Slot1–Slot4: Allows a digital mixer to control the internal head amps via the specified expansion
Remote: Allows a digital mixer to control the DME Satellite’s internal head amps via the
[REMOTE] connector connection.
CobraNet: Allows a digital mixer to control the DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-Cs internal head
amps via the [CobraNet] connector connection.
EtherSound: Allows a digital mixer to control the DME8i-ES/DME8o-ES/DME4io-ES’s internal
head amps via the [EtherSound] connector connection.
External HA Control
Displays/sets the type of connection to be used for external head amp control. If the selected
terminal was previously assigned to a different function, a confirmation dialog will appear.
The available ports depend on the device.
DME64N/DME24N: OFF, Remote (RS-422)
DME Satellite: OFF, Remote
OFF: Select “OFF” when this function is not to be used.
Remote: Allows connection to and control of an external head amp such as the AD8HR.
Always use this setting when a remote head amp unit (AD8HR, AD824) is connected.
Displays/sets the type of connection to be used for DME protocol communication. This is a Yamaha
maintenance function. Normally, set this to “OFF
An ID must be assigned to the DME unit to be controlled. Refer to “Setting the Internal Head Amp ID ” (page 142) for
details on assigning device IDs.
Change to RS422 via the rear-panel DIP switches to select “Remote” for a DME Satellite unit.
Change to RS422 via the rear-panel DIP switches to select “Remote” for a DME Satellite unit.