Owner's Manual

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
[Day of the Week]
When checked the daylight saving time period can be specified by the day of the week. [Start] sets
the start day, and [End] sets the end day as the nth Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, or Sunday of the month. For example, the first Sunday of April is specified as
[First] [Sunday] [April], and the last Sunday of October is specified as [Last] [Sunday] [October].
Specifies the daylight saving time period by day. The [Start] and [End] day are specified as the day
of the month.
[OK] Button
Applies any setting changes and closes the window.
[Cancel] Button
Closes the window without changing any settings.
You can close the dialog box using the Close button, or by pressing <Esc> or <Alt>+<F4>.