Owner's Manual

Chapter 4 Designer
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Turns the DME 64N cascade ON or OFF.
Show Cascade Port on Configuration Window
Checking this enables cascade.
[Cascade Setting]
Here you can make settings that apply when cascade is enabled. Clicking here displays the
“Cascade Setting” dialog box.
See “Cascade Setting” dialog box on page 219.
[OK] Button
Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box.
[Cancel] Button
Closes the dialog box without changing the settings.
“Cascade Setting” Dialog Box
Click the [Cascade Setting] button to display the “Cascade Setting” dialog box via which DME64N
cascade connections can be verified and edited as required. Make sure that the Head Margin and
Mixer I/O settings are the same for multiple cascaded DME64N units. These settings are matched
automatically for DME64N units that are connected via their [CAS IN] and [CAS OUT] terminals in
the Zone window.
Unit No. (Cascade Connection Number)
These settings automatically produce appropriate delay compensation for cascade-connected
DME64N units. When DME64N units are connected via their [CAS IN] and [CAS OUT] terminals in
the Zone window, DME64N units other than the first unit (default unit no. 1) are automatically
assigned sequential unit numbers. If the number of the first unit is changed the numbers of the
other units are automatically changed accordingly. If multiple “first units” exist in the same device
group, those first units can all be assigned Unit No. 1. Unit numbers are also automatically
assigned for cascade connections that span device groups.
Refer to “Cascade (DME64N only)” (page 482) for input/output and cascade bus assignments.