Owner's Manual

Chapter 6 Component Guide
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Program Ducker
When the key-in signal level exceeds the threshold level, the output signal is attenuated (or the
attenuated output signal is returned to its original level).
Mono channel and stereo channel components are provided. Mono channel components have one
input and one output, and a single key-in input. Stereo channel components have two inputs and two
outputs, and a single key-in input.
Double click the component to open the component editor. The mono and stereo channel types have
the same parameters.
Name Function
KeyIn Meter Displays the key-in signal level.
Output Meter Displays the output level.
Parameter Range Function
Detect Threshold -60.0 – 0.0 dB Sets the threshold level for the key-in signal. The set level is
indicated by a triangular marker next to the KeyIn Meter.
Hold Time 0.1 – 10.0 s Sets the hold time during which operation will continue after
the key-in signal falls below the threshold level, in 0.1 second
: The output level is attenuated when the key-in signal is
detected. The normal output level is 0dB (nominal) and the
attenuated level is specified by the Range parameter.
: The output level is attenuated when no key-in signal is
detected, and the output returns to its original level when a
key-in signal is detected. The normal attenuation level is
specified by the Range parameter, and the output level when a
key-in signal is detected is 0dB (nominal).
Attack Time 0.0 – 10.0 s Sets the time it takes to reach the target output level after a
key-in signal is detected, in 0.1 second increments.
Release Time 0.0 – 10.0 s Sets the time it takes for the output to return to its normal pre-
detect level after the key-in signal falls below the threshold
level and the Hold Time has elapsed, in 0.1 second
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Program Ducker component editor
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